The Significance of Waiting Periods: Life's Silent Teacher
Neil Keegan Neil Keegan

The Significance of Waiting Periods: Life's Silent Teacher

Life is a series of chapters. Some chapters bring dramatic transformations while others are quieter, characterized by consistency rather than change. For many of us, these periods of relative calm can seem endless, particularly if we are yearning for change or if dissatisfaction clouds our perspective. However, these interims between significant shifts are more than just waiting periods. They are opportunities for learning, growth, and self-discovery.

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Navigating Life's Challenges: The Role of Stress and Illness
Neil Keegan Neil Keegan

Navigating Life's Challenges: The Role of Stress and Illness

Life is a roller coaster of emotions and experiences, and stress is an inevitable part of the journey. It can push us to our maximum tolerance and perhaps even beyond. However, recognizing the pattern of stress - its ebb and flow - can be a crucial tool in navigating life's challenges.

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Self-Enhancement: Learning from Blunt Honesty
Neil Keegan Neil Keegan

Self-Enhancement: Learning from Blunt Honesty

Sometimes, the people around us can offer insights into our character that we might overlook. While it's often unintentional and can sometimes come off as offensive, these seemingly insensitive remarks can contain a kernel of truth about our character or actions. Taking these instances as opportunities for self-enhancement can foster personal growth.

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Effective Communication: How to Respond to Discord in Interactions
Neil Keegan Neil Keegan

Effective Communication: How to Respond to Discord in Interactions

In our interactions with others, we all strive to maintain amicable relations without compromising our individuality. However, given the diversity of human nature, disagreements and misunderstandings are inevitable. How we navigate through these instances of discord can significantly impact our overall well-being and personal growth.

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Strengthening Relationships: The Power of Inaction During Disagreements
Neil Keegan Neil Keegan

Strengthening Relationships: The Power of Inaction During Disagreements

Relationships with loved ones can be a great source of joy, but they also have their challenging moments. Disagreements and conflicts are inevitable. However, the way we respond to these difficulties can shape the course of our relationships, contributing to a smoother journey through life and enhancing our overall lifestyle.

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Understanding Cause and Effect in Your Life
Neil Keegan Neil Keegan

Understanding Cause and Effect in Your Life

There may be times when you find yourself in situations that seem to spiral out of control, despite your best efforts to maintain harmony. Life's dynamics can often be confusing and daunting, leaving you feeling powerless in the face of adversity. However, the key to navigating these turbulent times lies in understanding the cause and effect dynamics shaping your existence.

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Unlocking Resilience: Embracing Life's Challenges and Transforming Character
Neil Keegan Neil Keegan

Unlocking Resilience: Embracing Life's Challenges and Transforming Character

Are you feeling discontent, seeking clarity and understanding as you navigate your existence? Life may not be shaping up the way you’d envisioned and you may feel stuck in situations you believe you cannot alter. But what if this perceived impasse is the key to unlocking an inner resilience and setting you on the path towards a transformed character?

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Wherever You Are Up To
Neil Keegan Neil Keegan

Wherever You Are Up To

One of the challenges is that most people have a confusion of borrowed beliefs and wisdom rattling around in their heads. And these days, even a lot of people who follow an established religion are starting to mix and match its writings to fit in with their own lives.

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Neil Keegan Neil Keegan


The history of humanity is filled with various ideologies and belief systems. And most of these were born out of a fear of something or other. But they all have another thing in common, and that is that they are all trying to explain what life is. The problem with this is that to explain something you have to use words.

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A Guide to Enhanced Sense Living
Neil Keegan Neil Keegan

A Guide to Enhanced Sense Living

There is certainly more to this life than meets the eye. However, even if you knew the meaning of life and the secrets of the universe you would still have to take part in it. Of course you would have a different perspective and it would give a different meaning to everything you do. But it would not be an escape from the day-to-day that is your life.

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